It is now 2022.
have some very weird feelings about that.
A) I have been isolated due to my low immune system since August or
September of 2019—that means first off that my “social life” consists of the
only places I go (medical labs, doctor’s offices and hospitals *yes, I am trying
NOT to catch covid in any form.)
B) I am feeling rather sharp and intelligent IF
I can tell you what day of the week it is—please don’t ask the date! C)
When I have to write a date, I must catch and force myself to start the
year with a 20 and not 19__ __.
I was recently looking at Miranda’s blog Back in September of 2015, she was lamenting losing caps to her
crochet hooks and possible replacements.
She also was looking for ways to make the lids “stay on” when not in
use. I thought I would share my
solution(s) to these problems.
I find
that oxygen tubing makes great crochet hook covers. Cut longer than the hook so the hook can
never push through to unexpectedly snag other objects (usually bare flesh!). I am supposed to change my 50 feet of tubing once a month--this is the oxygen tubing that I drag around my house like some kind of house pet that refuses to stay out from under your feet and who you swear makes its own knots in itself overnight -- 50 feet would make a lot of crochet hook covers!!
I tat a
leash connecting my hook to its cap. I
make the leash long enough that the cap can be taken off (this is an important
step!) This means the leash will have a
lot of excess line or “slack” in it.
Also, on your tatted leash insert a lobster
claw and a place on the leash to attach it, so that the “slack” is taken
up. Now the lid cannot be removed or lost
until the lobster claw is undone.

This crochet hook has a metal bell shaped jewelry finding
glued onto the cap with e600 glue. Also,
my thread ends are hidden under there.
On the end of the crochet hook, I glued another of these metal bell
shapes only I “flattened” it by smashing it with my thumb on the table surface. The lobster claw hooks into one of the split
rings to secure the cap. This is one of the nice crochet hooks with corian handles that Lisa carries in a variety of colors at Tatting Corner you can see them here
This wooden crochet hook’s cap is glued to the flat bottom
side of the turtle beads that lie against it.
The ring that the lobster claw catches is a covered metal split
ring. The leash is held onto the wooden
crochet hook by closing the beginning rings around the smallest part of the
Health-wise—Here is the good news! In November of 2020 I had my right knee
replaced. In April 2021, I had the left
knee replaced. Which means that I am no
longer “one with my recliner!” I appreciated
the walking aids (crutches, walker, cane) that I used during my surgery
recoveries, but they have abused my right shoulder to the point where it may be
the next surgery. Although I have fought
bronchitis and pneumonia every month since—I have not been hospitalized since
May of 2021 (7 months is a record when you consider I have been hospitalized
over 100 days in the last 4 years!) Bad
news is I’m not sure my lungs are on board with the let’s stay out of the
hospital, let’s get healthy idea. I have
a chronic cough (deep, brassy and rattling) and audible wheezing as I breathe in
and out that can clear a waiting room in just a few minutes. Cold weather’s arriving has brought back one of
my favorite games and pastimes—It is called “Keep your oxygen tubing off the
floor furnace” this is a bonus game
after you have mastered “Can you get your oxygen tubing unsnarled from under
chair legs, people’s feet, recliner handles, etc…before it’s too late to make
it to the restroom?” I have been anemic
off and on since college. In the last fifteen
years or so, I have occasionally reached the point of needing blood transfusions
In June, they were able to cauterize
some bleeding blood vessels in my small intestine. I thought “Well, got that one taken care of” Think
again! Apparently, these vessels grow back
and are still close enough to the surface that they can develop new leaks. Getting iron through IV’s as well as gamma
globulin once a month ( I think that may be what is keeping me healthy enough
to stay home instead of heading to the ER every time I turn around) has been a
different kind of blessing. Blood draws
are usually ok…but I am a (VERY) hard stick for an IV….so I now have a
port! (New knees, the port—start the
Bionic Woman music).
My sleep disorder still causes me trouble when I am tatting
but my friend Mary Anna has challenged me to complete my T.A.T. Level 2 course. Currently I am attempting as well to do Jane’s
TIAS (Day 1 was 1 ring and 3 split rings…I think it must have taken me about 45
minutes because I kept falling asleep and I “tat” in my sleep. See those quotation marks around the word “tat”—those
are not recognizable double stitches, I have created a few new techniques, most
of which the world would not want to learn (and almost all are on the difficult
level as far as removing stitches go.)
My husband is planning on retiring after 40 years of
teaching in May. Earl and I have two
sons. Our oldest son will soon be celebrating
his 15th wedding anniversary to my daughter-in-love. They have three boys (12, 8 and 6) Our youngest son just got married, so I have a
new daughter-in-love and a granddaughter is coming right around the corner!
2022—you are weird but you are a
welcome grand adventure!