It has been quite awhile since my last post...I finished all twenty-two of my mystery tatted _____ to put in Christmas cards at church. Then I started covering Christmas ornaments with tatting to give to family at Christmas.
Three weeks ago TATTING INJURY! I poked the eye end of a needle into my index finger while sewing in an thread end. Within 48 hours, it was infected to an area just smaller than 1 inch by 3/4 of an inch. It had to be lanced and drained. No tatting for the last three weeks, the finger was too sensitive. Can you go into tatting withdrawal? Today was my first day without a bandaid....and I stuck a crochet hook into it again! The Dr. warned that because of all the antibiotic resistant germs out there that all wounds need extra be careful out there!
I attended the Oklahoma Lace Guild's Lace Embrace today in Bartlesville. (Would you believe I forgot my tatted nametag--July 22 post.) I had a lovely time. The theme of the day was Buttons. The advanced tatting class covered a button with tatting. The pattern was from the Workbasket magazine. The colors on my button are not exactly my first choice, but I really didn't know quite what we were going to do, until we got started.
An interesting thing for me about the theme Buttons. I discovered that my mother, who died when I was 18, as a child had collected buttons. She had rheumatic fever and a congenital heart defect, and had to spend much time in bed, ladies in the town would bring her buttons to keep her occupied. This was the first time, that I had heard this button story...and I had an interesting time going through her collection, that I'd never seen.
My wonderful grandson is walking!