No posts since April! I've been very busy with life, most recently Christian Youth in Action, and Vacation Bible School.
Have you ever had a project that you were ready to be through with, long before you actually were through with it? That was definitely this doily. It seems every time I was half through with the final round of a motif, I would figure out that it was in backwards, with the "pinwheel" going the wrong direction. This is Grandma's Garden, by Pam Palmer in Tatting Treats Two. The thread is Lizbeth, size 20, colors 115, 683 and 684.
I took a Wire Tatting Class this weekend offered by the LaceMakers Guild of Oklahoma. The teacher was Carolyn Regneir. Remember that kid in school who just didn't get whatever the teacher was teaching???? That was me, most of the weekend. Her opening remarks in class, as well as in our handout brochure was that you treat wire differently than thread... I still wanted to tat tightly, and have lots of wire in play between my hands as I made the stitches. It took about 6 hours of class time before I could close a ring without feeling the wire snap in my hands. I finished two small motifs during the weekend, and hope to show you them, and a few others soon. I'd like a little more time to work on my technique before I share my efforts with the world.