I am preparing to post a tutorial on a "Reusable Ribbon Bow"--the pictures are not behaving. Somehow this "draft" got published in part, and now some people are looking for it. Sorry--hopefully it is coming soon! BUT there is a pattern posted at the bottom of this page!!
I looked at many images on "Google Images" and on Pinterest that had no
design author credited. I did not want to copy anyone's designs--but
wanted them to "inspire me." These three designs are my own work, if
they are too much like someone else's previous work--please inform
me--and I will gladly give that person credit.
(Left) Lizbeth, size 20, # 122 Carribbean
(Both on right) Lizbeth, size 20, # 633- Purple Dark
Then I set about to try to create my own design. I'd like to thank Sue
W. and Sonya L. who first tested this pattern for me. Jane
Eborall gave it a final test, and proofread my pattern and made
wonderful suggestions!
Introducing--Jennifer's Button! done in Lizbeth, size 20, #102 Western Sunset (left) and #141 Purple Twist (Right). For a printable pdf of this pattern CLICK HERE
Patricia Lyn Cobb
1- ¾ inch 2-hole button
2 shuttles wound CTM (6 yards each)
Round 1
Ring: 10ds attach to button 10ds Cl
Continue joining first six rings to the first button hole and the second six rings to the second button hole until you have 12 chains and 12 rings. Attach
the 12th chain to the base of the first ring. Continue to Round 2 -- do not cut and tie.
Round 2
(If you use the magic thread trick, you will want to make arrangements to hide your final ends in this round.)
Chain: 12ds Lj to the base of the next ring of Round 1. Continue all the way around, lj to the base of each ring. Finish the round by joining to the base of ring 1. Continue to Round 3--do not cut and tie. RW
Round 3
“Mock onion ring” Ring 10ds-10ds Cl, Chain 12ds+12ds. Cl
Chain 15ds.
SS Josephine
Knot 15(last half of ds only) SS
Chain 15ds. (skip one section and join to next
section of motif.)
Continue all around to the final join above Ring 1.
Cut and hide ends.