He knows my name!

My life verse: "I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel." (Isaiah 45:3). For me, "the treasures of darkness" has been the medically-treated depression that I have suffered off and on with for years. More than anything else in my life, I think this has made me realize how much my Savior loves me and has deepened my relationship with God. The "hidden riches of secret places" are my wonderful family and this fabulous craft--tatting! I thank God for both!
I think it is awesome that God knows my name! Did you know that He knows yours?

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Giveaway/My Beloved Tatting Shirt

I am aware some of the links on my blog no longer work.  I am attempting to fix these.
One of the wonderful tatting memories in my life was sitting down at a table during a Palmettos Tat Days and having Stephanie Wilson lean over and say "I recognize that shirt!  I read your blog."  I have worn that shirt as a light jacket until the shirt is falling apart under the tatting.   I love to drag it out to show the tatting to visitors but can't make myself wear it in public it is in such bad shape.  I would love to transfer everything to a new shirt....but how do I put this....Each piece of tatting was sewn on to survive tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes!  Many designs took longer to sew on than they did to tat!  I think I am going to just put the shirt in the back of my closet and leave it to my granddaughter to deal with when I'm gone. 
My 150th blog post is approaching--this is 147.  .  (Hopefully I won't repeat last year's track record and will make than two posts this year!)   I would love to publish pictures here on my blog of my patterns that someone else has tatted.  I don't really have many patterns, so I'm going to pull one up from the past. 
Tat my "Jennifer's Button" pattern (color choice totally up to you.)  Email me at fibrotats@gmail.com or patricialyn@sbcglobal.net.  Please put BLOG in the subject line.   I need your name, home address and a picture (jpg or  PDF) of your tatted motif (it is wise to add your name to the picture) and I will post them on my blog.      The first 30 people sending me a picture or pictures to be posted on my blog will receive a "button" charm.   I would love to see multiple pictures of your multiple motifs but only one charm per person. The giveaway will be over when I have posted my 150th post or am out of my 30 button charms.

Giveaway #2(!!!)  For this post through post 150, I will draw one of the comments, and send that person a special prize.  I will hold my drawing when Giveaway #1 finishes .... that may be before my 150th post.  IF you cannot get the comments to work...send your comment to me at fibrotats@gmail.com or patricialyn@sbcglobal.net.  Please put BLOG in the subject line.  Please put your name in the comment if you are posting anonymously and wish to be included in my giveaway drawing.                               

CLICK HERE for a printable PDF of Jennifer's Button

Jennifer's Button

1- ¾ inch 2-hole button
2 shuttles wound CTM (6 yards each) (1(
Round 1
Ring: 10ds attach to button 10ds Cl
Continue joining first six rings to the first button hole and the second six rings to the second button hole until you have 12 chains and 12 rings. Attach the 12th chain to the base of the first ring. Continue to Round 2 -- do not cut and tie.
Round 2
(If you use the magic thread trick, you will want to make arrangements to hide your final ends in this round.)
Chain: 12ds Lj to the base of the next ring of Round 1. Continue all the way around, lj to the base of each ring. Finish the round by joining to the base of ring 1. Continue to Round 3--do not cut and tie. RW
Round 3
“Mock onion ring” Ring 10ds-10ds Cl, Chain 12ds+12ds. Cl
Chain 15ds.
SS Josephine Knot 15(last half of ds only) SS
Chain 15ds. (skip one section and join to next section of motif.)
Continue all around to the final join above Ring 1.
Cut and hide ends.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Where has the time gone?

I cannot believe how the time has flown since I last posted!  

Here is an update on me....

I have now spent over 150 days in the hospital in the last 5 years--almost all of it for pneumonia. I am on 4 liters of oxygen 24/7. I have a large hiatal hernia in which my stomach contents hide.  This hernia is inoperable.  They would have to split my diaphragm to get it out.  One of my doctor's commented "having that surgery "would be a fatal mistake. So, I go to bed semi-healthy and wake up very sick....reflux followed by aspiration (my hiatal hernia has decided to feed my lungs.)   

My weight and the wear and tear pneumonia has put on my lungs has caused some cardiac problems.  In 2020, I had my left knee replaced and in 2021, I had the right knee replaced.  Right rotator cuff (both shoulders were messed up by crutch use) surgery was scheduled three times in 2022 but each time derailed because of hospitalization for pneumonia which required new clearances from my primary, pulmonologist, and cardiologist.  I am still becoming anemic to the point of getting either iron or a blood transfusion which with the help of my iron pills will keep me in the safe zone for a few months.  I have been given an infusion of gamma globulin each month since January 2022 trying to boost my immune system..  I continue dealing with my fibromyalgia and my sleeping disorder.  I get to go to labs, doctor's offices and hospitals but otherwise have basically been isolating since August or September of 2019 (before the pandemic!)

Because of my sleeping disorder, I fall asleep without warning.  If I am tatting, there is a good chance that I will continue tatting in my sleep...Let's put it this way, I make complicated knots in my thread that in no way enhance the tatting that was being done when awake.  I spend a lot of time picking out what I don't remember putting in.  

Sarah and Josh were some of my Christian Youth in Action kids years ago.  This doily is going
to be an Anniversary present, because it was not finished as the wedding present that I intended it to be.  The pattern is by Selma Marin (one of the editors of the old Workbasket magazine) it is called Queen Anns Lace.  It is done in Lizbeth size 20 in their wedding colors - Navy and Burgundy.   It is probably one of the most challenging projects that I have done--and it has nothing to do with the pattern--instead it was the dark dark colors of the thread making it difficult to count stitches and more grueling to remove the knots made during my naps..       

This is your official invite to join the LaceMakers Guild of Oklahoma's Lace Embrace!  This free, open to the public event will be October 7, 2023 (the first Saturday in October).  I can only tell you what I know from past Lace Embraces....There have been vendors, free classes and free presentations.  There are prizes for contests, great goodie bags, and make it/take it workshops.  Lunch is usually served at that location -a good value for about $5.  This year Lace Embrace will be held at a mall and as I have not been to a meeting since (I can't remember when), I cannot tell you what has changed.  If you are interested and would like more information--please contact me at patricialyn@sbcglobal.net and I will send you a copy of the special newsletters that are sent out pre and post Lace Embrace.