The day I left for Christian Youth in Action, I received my T.A.T. program "Apprentice Pin" I was so excited! I completed the work for the program several years ago, but never mailed it in until this spring. I've learned a lot by completing the work for the program, as well as by seeing the notes made by those who evaluated my work. As soon as I have the money I will apply for the Artisan phase of the program.
The two weeks of CYIA flew by, and the following week, my father had a complete knee replacement. This is my "hospital" doily that I worked on during my father's stay in the hospital. It is the pattern "Nora" by Iris Niebach and is done in Lizbeth color 122. My father is now doing remarkably well, although he suffered miserably from the affects of the anesthesia for a few days.
June 25-27, I got to attend the Lace Guild of Greater Kansas City's Lace Escape IV. I had a blast!!!! The ladies had worked very hard to make it a very special and memorable weekend. I really appreciated the way the ladies made me feel welcome. I did tatting all weekend long, but was tempted to join in the beginner Bobbin Lace and beginner Romanian Point Lace Class. My tatting teacher was Maggie Brown. She introduced me to many techniques that I hadn't tried before....and I'm now pretty proficient at tatting with beads, a skill I was lacking. She shared not only her knowledge, but her bead stash, jewelry making supplies, and some original patterns. I'll have pictures to show of my work in later blogs. I'd love to spend more time with these ladies in the future!
Last week was VBS....I made balloon animals every night to be given away the next day to those who learned their memory verses. I also taught the Bible classes for the lower elementary and upper elementary classes.