The pattern is available here: http://www.webring.org/l/rd?ring=thetattedlaceweb;id=1;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebspace.webring.com
I wanted to put a little heart next to the Palmetto logo...Jane Eborall's Button My Heart was just the ticket. The heart was done in Lizbeth, size 20, #634 (Violet/Pink Med.). I chose to hide my ends in the very last ring (Ring 15) instead of finishing the heart with beads. The pattern is available here -- http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/buttonheart2010.pdf
The little circular motif was my own design...just fooling around to see what I could do, using size 20, Lizbeth, #141 (Purple Twist) and 647 (Purple Iris Dark).

The tiny snowflakes spaced between the buttons and buttonholes are from the pattern that was used the year I went to Palmettos for their Tat-Off. I definitely didn't make THAT MANY during the tat-off, WOW! Were there some fast tatters there! .