He knows my name!
My life verse: "I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel." (Isaiah 45:3). For me, "the treasures of darkness" has been the medically-treated depression that I have suffered off and on with for years. More than anything else in my life, I think this has made me realize how much my Savior loves me and has deepened my relationship with God. The "hidden riches of secret places" are my wonderful family and this fabulous craft--tatting! I thank God for both!
I think it is awesome that God knows my name! Did you know that He knows yours?
I think it is awesome that God knows my name! Did you know that He knows yours?
Monday, December 14, 2015
I did something weird with my blog....
I was putting labels on my posts and somehow republished two old posts....I can't get my new post from Dec. 13th to come to the top/front--but it is the third post after this one....SORRY!
Part 2 Finger Lakes 2015

One of the lovely things I always look forward to at the Finger Lakes Tatting Conference is the "Goodie Bag" you receive at registration! This year the "bag" was a lovely lined quilted fabric sack-type bag. (I requested a purple one and they looked through the box and found me one!) Once home, I placed a small round plastic container in my quilted bag so that it "stands by itself" and it is on my craft table being used as my pen, pencil and scissors holder--CUTE!! Inside the quilted sack was a small zippered purple bag just the right size to stick in your purse to hold your latest tatting project. A LOVELY tatted bookmark (someone went to A LOT of work!!) Then there was a little plastic container that held: some small ponytail bands (great for keeping loose threads contained on your bobbins), some hair barrettes (very useful for keeping spools of thread from coming unwound), some beads, and some safety pins (an unusual shape--a friend showed me these last year and it was very nice to receive them in the goodie bag!). Also in the container--and in keeping with the LAKE, SEA AND SHORE theme--we got some "shark teeth" and small flip flops. Last of all--there was our challenge item for next year....an adorable white stuffed teddy bear!--The theme next year: The Teddy Bear's Picnic! (Now, what shall I do with my "challenge item"?)

The tables were decorated with lovely dishes of seashells and hanging sail boats. I understand the sail boats were tatted by their designer, Diane Daiker. These hanging "ornaments" and accompaniments were a fantastic reminder of the theme of the conference and were certainly an inspiring to me personally -- not only because of the quantity of the tatted items and the perseverance it must have taken to make all of them, but also the challenge to be able to excel in my craft so that I can create not only for myself, but for others.
Thank you for continuing to follow my blog! Posting to my blog has not been forgotten, just "put on the back burner! Since my last post, I spent two weeks at Christian Youth in Action training. Last year there were no Level 2 students--so I had no Level 3 students this year. Instead I was the girl's dorm supervisor. (the worst discipline problems I had were girls who didn't have their teeth brushed yet when it was lights out!) My sweet husband was the cook for CYIA training--cooking 3 meals a day + a snack for 40 hungry teens and adults every day. Even though he only left the kitchen to take out the trash, somehow he acquired three hitchhikers during the two weeks. Ticks--they were everywhere! Ten days later, during our church's Vacation Bible School (where I teach all the Bible lessons), he got very sick--blood tests showed Rocky Mountain Spotted (Tick) Fever. While he has been recuperating, my fibromyalgia has been flaring. I would love to figure out what has triggered this flare--I have been waking up feeling like the "tin man" -- rusted in every joint, and the oil can is empty! I love the verse, Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."(NKJV) My earthly problems are temporary--God loves me, takes care of me and provides for me. LIFE IS GOOD!!
Next Post - Coming Soon! Projects from my classes at Finger Lakes 2015....
Tatted Turtle from Brigette
I was blessed to get to go to the Palmetto Tatting Conference in 2011. I bought a blue chambray (my husband says very light denim) shirt that I proudly wear with the Palmetto's logo on it because I was so cold one day. I have proudly worn it and it has started many conversations about tatting, even if I don't have my shuttles out.
Did you know you can join the Palmetto Tatting Guild by sending them a tatted butterfly each year?
In January of 2012, the online tatting class led by Georgia Seitz did this Emmy Liebert edging. The thread is Lizbeth 20, color 133-Razzle Dazzle. (I talked about this in the post dated Jan. 19, 2012.) I applied this edging to both cuffs of the shirt.
Later, I added this Quatrain edging by the tatter known as Frivole. The pattern is available here http://leblogdefrivole.blogspot.com/p/patterns.html It was tatted in Lizbeth 20, color 111-Cotton Candy. I applied 21 inches of this edging to the seam on the back yoke of the shirt.
I met Brigette (blog: tattingandbeading.blogspot.com ) when I got to attend an Oklahoma Shuttle Bugs meeting in 2010. She is a lovely lady, inside and out. She is also a fantastic tatter!! I've gotten to spend a little more time with her over the years. For the next two years at the Lacemakers Guild of Oklahoma's big lace day--Lace Embrace, Brigette and I teamed up for the tatting olympics in synchronized tatting--we came in second both years! After sharing a hotel room with Brigette for a tatting workshop, she made me this absolutely adorable turtle (I collect turtles.)
It took forever, with my hand inside the shirt pocket, but I got it sewed on. When I sew something--and I sew everything down every picot, every join, and usually I put a stitch in every 3 to 5 stitches. It usually takes longer to applique my tatting than it did to tat it in the first place.
Brigitte shared the pattern with me, and I've tracked down the designer of the pattern, Gail Owens. Gail has given me permission to for me to post the pattern here on my blog. If you would like a printable pdf of the pattern CLICK HERE
Brigitte's button turtle started it all! This summer, I got a "bee in my bonnet" to make some other motifs with buttons and put on the shirt. Over the next few posts, I'd like to show them to you--now that I have them sewn on.
Did you know you can join the Palmetto Tatting Guild by sending them a tatted butterfly each year?
In January of 2012, the online tatting class led by Georgia Seitz did this Emmy Liebert edging. The thread is Lizbeth 20, color 133-Razzle Dazzle. (I talked about this in the post dated Jan. 19, 2012.) I applied this edging to both cuffs of the shirt.
Later, I added this Quatrain edging by the tatter known as Frivole. The pattern is available here http://leblogdefrivole.blogspot.com/p/patterns.html It was tatted in Lizbeth 20, color 111-Cotton Candy. I applied 21 inches of this edging to the seam on the back yoke of the shirt.
I met Brigette (blog: tattingandbeading.blogspot.com ) when I got to attend an Oklahoma Shuttle Bugs meeting in 2010. She is a lovely lady, inside and out. She is also a fantastic tatter!! I've gotten to spend a little more time with her over the years. For the next two years at the Lacemakers Guild of Oklahoma's big lace day--Lace Embrace, Brigette and I teamed up for the tatting olympics in synchronized tatting--we came in second both years! After sharing a hotel room with Brigette for a tatting workshop, she made me this absolutely adorable turtle (I collect turtles.)
It took forever, with my hand inside the shirt pocket, but I got it sewed on. When I sew something--and I sew everything down every picot, every join, and usually I put a stitch in every 3 to 5 stitches. It usually takes longer to applique my tatting than it did to tat it in the first place.
Brigitte shared the pattern with me, and I've tracked down the designer of the pattern, Gail Owens. Gail has given me permission to for me to post the pattern here on my blog. If you would like a printable pdf of the pattern CLICK HERE
Brigitte's button turtle started it all! This summer, I got a "bee in my bonnet" to make some other motifs with buttons and put on the shirt. Over the next few posts, I'd like to show them to you--now that I have them sewn on.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Tatting Day, New Shuttles, Giveaway...
I cannot explain what October 24th meant to me this
year!! Sonya--my dear
friend from Edmond, OK, had planned a tatting
event at her house a couple of months earlier, but--I got sick, another
tatter had a death in the family...things just didn't work out. But
late in the evening on October 23rd, my "closest-in-distance" tatting friend--Emma picked me up and we headed for
Sonya's! That evening we sat around and chatted and made the necessary
Walmart run. The next morning, Cynthia (my travel-buddy to Finger Lakes and Palmetto's), Irene and Brigitte (made the turtle on my shirt) arrived
there at Sonya's. Everyone had brought the most delicious goodies to
eat!! We sat around and tatted and talked and
ate all day long! We shared patterns, and talked about which pattern
books and designers we liked. Irene and Brigitte shared memories of the
late Judi Banashek. Judi started the Oklahoma Shuttlebugs which meet
in Kingfisher OK (too far a distance for me to travel to meet with them
on a regular basis.) Judi also authored several tatting books. Irene
(who is a "master" tatter from the T.A.T. program) sat down and
very patiently worked with me on some techniques with which I have been
having trouble. She also shared wonderful recollections of Camp Wanna
Tat. (Camp Wanna Tat is one of those things I day-dream about!) I
think everyone was surprised and delighted with goodie bags that I was
able to put together with donations from several (!!) companies. Once
again my gratitude goes to Jennifer at Tatting Corner and Nancy at
Be-Stitched, CTA, Dentek, DMC, Ernie's Pharmacy, Kreinik, Noble County
Yarns, The Blessing, TTCU, Coats, Red Lobster, Nordic Needle and Hamlins
for helping me "stuff" the goodie bags! To add to everyone's "stash",
Emma had a shuttle, laminating sheets and containers for everyone and
Sonya had made some beautiful cloth covered boxes that we could place
our new treasures in! After fantastic BBQ (my husband fixed it!) for
dinner, we packed up and all headed home. This was such a special
day--Sonya (my dear friend) opening her home, learning one-on-one from
Irene, spending time with Emma, Cynthia and Brigitte--it was just a dream of a day! I think it
was fate that it turned into a tatting "day" instead of a tatting
"weekend"--the next morning--I came down with pneumonia once again.

of the people I look forward to seeing at tatting events is Monica
Braxton. Her shuttle was chosen for the Tatting Shuttle Addicts
commemorative shuttle this year. When mine came in the mail this fall there was a
surprise--on the back of the one with my name--was this adorable
turtle!! Thank you Monica--that was such a sweet surprise! I love the shuttles--they tat marvelously!
Monica's etsy shop (where she sells shuttles and gorgeous hand-dyed
thread) is NAGStudio--Needle Arts Goddess Studio.
was really overwhelmed with the number of people who left comments on
my blog for my 100th Post Giveaway--or who emailed me because blogger
wasn't letting them leave comments on my blog! I made a list, gave
everyone a number and ran a random number generator.
The winner was (drumroll please!) Stephanie
Wilson. I have a lovely memory of meeting Stephanie--I was sitting
beside her at Palmettos and she looked over and exclaimed, "I recognize
that shirt! I read your blog!" She was the first person that I have
"met in person" because of my blog! She is lovely--and has the nicest
I finally got her package in the mail on Friday. There were some bottle cap containers, a reusable ribbon ( a lot of people are getting these from me for Christmas this year) and the promised bracelet that I made for the Finger Lakes Competition. then, I
really hope she likes purple! If not she has a lot of purple things to put in her next tatting exchange with someone! This is what I finally settled on putting in my giveaway--Except for the Workbaskets, the books were all duplicates of mine (Georgia autographed hers for my giveaway.) The Workbaskets were my Grandmother's and are the old "booklet" kind-and are all Volume 11.
Most of the stuff in the picture at the left, people will recognize, except maybe the glass nail file and cover
in the middle bottom. I was given one by a friend during the
summer--and LOVE them. Did you know you can file your nails in both
directions with one? (You aren't supposed to do that with regular emery
boards or files, and I always catch myself doing it!) They also file
so, so smoothly...and just little bits at a time. Okay not tatting
related but "girl-talk."
is all stuff that I made. The cloth things from left to right....a
tatting bag, a coaster and a small bag to put in the big bag. The small
bag was sort of an experiment--I'm not sure quite what I like or
dislike about it (maybe Stephanie will give me some feedback!) The
beaded things from top to bottom are a needle threader, a striver, a
frogger and a scissor fob. She also got a pretty pair of scissors with a
purple cover that didn't make it into the picture.
Remember the felt Christmas tree in the last post? This is what I made from the scraps--a Mom's "keep in you purse and take out when the kids are about to drive everyone crazy" game. A very old idea with hopefully a new twist. The fish of course have tiny magnets in them. The Altoids containers have a double layer of felt covering the bottom and sides to help prevent the magnets sticking to them. The magnet on on the fishing pole is a magnet for putting on a necklace (I don't know where I read that idea--but it is a great one!). Then here is the "twist"--These are my directions. Take turns catching as many fish as you can. When all the fish are caught--roll the dice and find out who is the BEST FISHERMAN! 1. Who caught the MOST fish. 2. Put all the fish head to tail and find out who has the LONGEST LINE of fish. 3. Who caught the RED fish? 4. Who caught the most PURPLE fish? 5. Who caught the LARGEST fish? 6. Who caught the SMALLEST fish? (I should have labeled #2--the BIGGEST FISH STORY....)
Hopefully I can continue my review of 2015 Palmetto Tat Days in the next post.
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I finally got her package in the mail on Friday. There were some bottle cap containers, a reusable ribbon ( a lot of people are getting these from me for Christmas this year) and the promised bracelet that I made for the Finger Lakes Competition. then, I
really hope she likes purple! If not she has a lot of purple things to put in her next tatting exchange with someone! This is what I finally settled on putting in my giveaway--Except for the Workbaskets, the books were all duplicates of mine (Georgia autographed hers for my giveaway.) The Workbaskets were my Grandmother's and are the old "booklet" kind-and are all Volume 11.

Remember the felt Christmas tree in the last post? This is what I made from the scraps--a Mom's "keep in you purse and take out when the kids are about to drive everyone crazy" game. A very old idea with hopefully a new twist. The fish of course have tiny magnets in them. The Altoids containers have a double layer of felt covering the bottom and sides to help prevent the magnets sticking to them. The magnet on on the fishing pole is a magnet for putting on a necklace (I don't know where I read that idea--but it is a great one!). Then here is the "twist"--These are my directions. Take turns catching as many fish as you can. When all the fish are caught--roll the dice and find out who is the BEST FISHERMAN! 1. Who caught the MOST fish. 2. Put all the fish head to tail and find out who has the LONGEST LINE of fish. 3. Who caught the RED fish? 4. Who caught the most PURPLE fish? 5. Who caught the LARGEST fish? 6. Who caught the SMALLEST fish? (I should have labeled #2--the BIGGEST FISH STORY....)
Hopefully I can continue my review of 2015 Palmetto Tat Days in the next post.
Monday, December 7, 2015
I think I AM BACK!
Well folks--I hope I! It has now been 8 days that I haven't been on antibiotics! The record was 5 since Aug. 20th before this past week! I hope all of that is in the past and I can get back to feeling as good as my fibromyalgia and migraines will allow! Now to slowly attack my house (it is a wreck) and my "To Do" list (a contender for the Guiness Book of World records). I have an inhaler for when my breathing gets "tight" and must remember to put my legs up, not only several hours a day, but whenever I possibly can.
My downstairs personal laptop (which was crashing) has been replaced with my upstairs (Classes and graphics--games, visualized Bible verses and songs--take to the office) laptop. This would have been easy to do--just download all the files from laptop A onto laptop B--except for example: the class notes for one of my classes at CYIA. I have updated and changed the notes from the original outline on both computers. I had to go in and combine the changes into one new document. Or, the document on Computer B was
actually newer than the same document on Computer A and downloading A's files would have wiped out the changes on Computer B. So I had to look at the date on every single file on both computers (there were thousands), downloading each file or piece of a file, individually if it needed downloaded..
My tatting has been mostly working on the Christmas ornaments that I hope to have ready by Dec. 25th for each of my children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. This has gone very slowly this year, simply because I haven't felt physically well enough to tat a whole lot. I may be pushing myself by attempting this and have given myself permission to quit if accomplishing my goal is just not possible.
I don't want to bore those of you who are my Facebook friends....but I thought I would catch everyone else up with my life.

Grant Raphael Cobb was born at 8:38 a.m.on Friday, November 13th, 2015. He was 10 lb. 2 oz. and 22 inches long.

This was taken a few days later, when my grandsons got to hold their new brother for the first time. These older two boys LOVE their new baby brother. It has been difficult already to keep the two year old out of the crib--he wants so badly to love on "Gant".

On December 3, my husband and I celebrated the anniversary of our first date. My husband fixed a lovely seafood dinner for us, and brought me beautiful flowers (He loves roses, and when we were first dating, often brought me a dozen--it took real effort to convince him that I really preferred the cheaper option of daisies!) I've always thought our first date story was special because it wasn't supposed to be a date. We had known each other since I was in the ninth grade. We attended a small junior college and had several classes together. Over the years we had many, many times "hung out" with the same group of friends and a few times had done things -- just the two of us -- but definitely as friends. That was what this day, 34 years ago was supposed to have been--a Christmas shopping trip (like one the year before) where he helped me buy "guy" gifts and I helped him pick out some "female" gifts for his mother and sisters. Somehow during the day the friendship changed to where at the end of the evening, we were planning our second date! Less than a month later, we were engaged. We were married six months after that. God has been so good to us! Looking back it has been a roller coaster ride--and I can't wait to see what God brings into our lives next!
I posted on Facebook this picture of a chair. Yesterday after our Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner at church, my two-year old grandson placed this chair in front of a wall heater (*we do have gates around the heaters, where children might be--the nursery, fellowship hall, etc... but for an unknown reason the one in this room was missing.). God's hand of protection was definitely there--no one was injured, and nothing else was damaged.
I was rather proud of my contribution to the Thanksgiving dinner this year. It was definitely didn't look as good as the one on Pinterest...but I thought my cheese and pepperoni turkey was pretty good!
Keisha, a young mother came over to the house to craft one day. It was really neat sharing supplies, experiences and some tips with her. She made a felt tree for her preschoolers and I made this one for my young grandson--as he is not supposed to touch the real Christmas tree.
I am going to try to gather all the names and draw for my promised 100th post sometime today--but as I must take things slowly--that might be bumped to another day.
My downstairs personal laptop (which was crashing) has been replaced with my upstairs (Classes and graphics--games, visualized Bible verses and songs--take to the office) laptop. This would have been easy to do--just download all the files from laptop A onto laptop B--except for example: the class notes for one of my classes at CYIA. I have updated and changed the notes from the original outline on both computers. I had to go in and combine the changes into one new document. Or, the document on Computer B was
actually newer than the same document on Computer A and downloading A's files would have wiped out the changes on Computer B. So I had to look at the date on every single file on both computers (there were thousands), downloading each file or piece of a file, individually if it needed downloaded..
My tatting has been mostly working on the Christmas ornaments that I hope to have ready by Dec. 25th for each of my children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. This has gone very slowly this year, simply because I haven't felt physically well enough to tat a whole lot. I may be pushing myself by attempting this and have given myself permission to quit if accomplishing my goal is just not possible.
I don't want to bore those of you who are my Facebook friends....but I thought I would catch everyone else up with my life.

On December 3, my husband and I celebrated the anniversary of our first date. My husband fixed a lovely seafood dinner for us, and brought me beautiful flowers (He loves roses, and when we were first dating, often brought me a dozen--it took real effort to convince him that I really preferred the cheaper option of daisies!) I've always thought our first date story was special because it wasn't supposed to be a date. We had known each other since I was in the ninth grade. We attended a small junior college and had several classes together. Over the years we had many, many times "hung out" with the same group of friends and a few times had done things -- just the two of us -- but definitely as friends. That was what this day, 34 years ago was supposed to have been--a Christmas shopping trip (like one the year before) where he helped me buy "guy" gifts and I helped him pick out some "female" gifts for his mother and sisters. Somehow during the day the friendship changed to where at the end of the evening, we were planning our second date! Less than a month later, we were engaged. We were married six months after that. God has been so good to us! Looking back it has been a roller coaster ride--and I can't wait to see what God brings into our lives next!
I posted on Facebook this picture of a chair. Yesterday after our Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner at church, my two-year old grandson placed this chair in front of a wall heater (*we do have gates around the heaters, where children might be--the nursery, fellowship hall, etc... but for an unknown reason the one in this room was missing.). God's hand of protection was definitely there--no one was injured, and nothing else was damaged.

I am going to try to gather all the names and draw for my promised 100th post sometime today--but as I must take things slowly--that might be bumped to another day.
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