My husband in the weeks and days prior to our departure for
Finger Lakes 2016, kept telling me “tell everyone to bring money for the bus,
if she breaks down, just tell them to haul her to the scrap yard.” What he was referring to was my little Blue
Bunny (named by the CYIA’ers one year) which is a 1995 van with 307,000 miles. With that inspiring statement ringing in our
ears, On Wednesday, April 6, Cyn, Sue and I determined to have faith in our
transportation and head off to New York
from Oklahoma! We knew the worst trouble we have ever had
with her on our tatting trips has been an inability to shut the back window!
Cyn (Cynthia) as my readers know, and I have been tatting
& traveling companions now for 6+ years.
Cyn is the teacher of the Beginners Online Tatting Class
It was so neat to see Sue again! If I remember correctly, she taught the very
first class I ever took at Finger Lakes! I was so impressed at how “technically” she
talked about tatting, explaining how certain types of stitches turned your work
different directions. You could tell at
the time, that she had really had studied tatting as a “science” and “method”
not just a hobby or a craft to fill her time.
Sue now shares her knowledge as she leads the Tuesday Online Tatting
Designers Class. Sue had the neatest
gift for me, a lovely bag of beads—including a little bear bead in honor of the
theme for Finger Lakes 2016-“The Teddy Bear’s Picnic.”

Do you ever absolutely cringe when you show up at someone’s
house late—very late? Tamie very generously opened her home in Kentucky
as a free stopping place on our trip.
Well, we were supposed to arrive there “in the evening.” Due to a very late start, evening turned into
approximately 3:00 in the morning,
accompanied by dragging her husband Dennis out into the (rainy!) night to pilot us
through the city to their house. Let’s
face it! Tatting people are for the
most part—just good people! We took a
few minutes to talk. Tamie had the
neatest gifts for us. I got a lovely
coffee mug filled with Dove chocolates. (The thread in the picture was given to me by Tamie on our return trip.)

Then she brought out a really neat
wooden double shuttle with a celtic
motif on the front--what a gift!! (I have
the "Tatting with the Double Bobbin Shuttle Made Easy" book by Sheron Goldin. But.
I think this shuttle may take a different approach to use, since you can’t
remove the bobbins -it is a post shuttle.)
How about this! Tamie
had a six-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper waiting for me—she remembered my drink from
the year before!! That is something that is just not in my personality to even think of!--
but it sure made me feel welcome!! After
sleeping late and lingering over breakfast, we got a glimpse at Tamie’s new
craft area (they have moved since last year.) What?
You recognize Tamie’s voice and craft table? That is because Tamie is the teacher for the Online
Video Series that goes along with the Beginner and the Ongoing (Advanced)
Online Tatting Classes!
We loaded back up (always a game of tetris—which Cyn says
she has never played, but if she did, she would be awesome at it!) We started off again—only to return in less
than a mile! Sue had inadvertently mixed
up phones with Tamie and found out that her “new” phone didn’t quite work! (I’m so glad the switch was discovered
early.) It was, I think, our first big
thing we could laugh about on the trip—and anytime anything went missing, we
laughingly accused Sue of swiping it! (I
am so glad this lady has a lovely sense of humor!)
Our next stop was at the Ohio
home of Cyn’s in-laws. They happened to
be away, but had so kindly offered to let us stay there. We stopped at a Kmart there in Ashtabula
the next morning, to pick up a few items we were missing…and a short stop
became a rather long—shop the sales. Sue
was able to pick up bargains galore in the clothing area. I went in resolved to only pick up the
necessities that were on the list, but was swayed by the BOGO bin of warm
gloves and then I just couldn’t pass up three gorgeous scarves at $2.47
each!! Sue and I also found some
wonderful Easter eggs to put tatting onto sometime in the future. (I also picked up some cute animal plastic
eggs for the grandboys.)
We had hoped to make it to the “special event” for early
arrivers--Karey Solomon opens her Fiber Arts Studio as a stopping place. She usually has a warm stew and a variety of
hot teas, plus an interesting craft for your eyes and hands to dive into. We had all also, signed up for the pot-luck
on Friday night….we had made it to the Finger Lakes area by this time—but were
stopped at another store to pick up more “forgotten things.”
At long last, before the food was put away (!) we got to Lodi. Oh what a warm feeling I get when I see that
little fire station/community building!
It is a special world for 48 hours, filled with almost a “family
reunion” of people who are so loving, and sharing.Everyone has projects to share, and ooh and
aah over! There doesn’t seem to be any
jealousy—just instruction and encouragement.
Vendors are setting up and some of the guild members are doing last
minute preparations for the conference--it is a wonderful time, just for
fellowshipping with other tatters.

Right away I got a hug from one of my favorite tatters Monica Braxton. She also delivered my commemorative 2016 Finger Lakes Shutttles which my husband ordered for me. She did a special engraving on them for me! A turtle on the backside of one of them....and the word "teacher" after my name! Since this is the first time I will have ever taught tatting in more than a one-on-one situation, this year is special. My tatting shuttle will remind me of this incredible experience every time I use it. I am so grateful to Monica.
Almost another ‘coming home’, was our hotel in Geneva—Cyn
and I have stayed there two times before.
This little place has changed hands every time we have been there! The ladies at the check-in desk must have
thought we were moving in, we made so many trips back and forth to get
things. I have got to make a point to
emphasize the “we” was really Cyn and Sue!
They protected me and my health every chance they possibly could this
trip—from them moving all the luggage
(every time), to Sue taking the back seat so I would have more room for
my legs in the front—all the way from Oklahoma to New York and back! My gratitude is so great to these giving
*If you want to the end of the Blue Bunny story….She now has
311,000 miles,
and made it to New York and back
with only a few adjustments on the part of the drivers. Will she be able to make it to Palmettos Tat Days 2016? (Class Teachers, Projects and Class Schedule are up now! Registration will be in late May or early June. Check out http://palmettotatters.org/index.shtml
CLICK HERE for more information about the Beginners Online Tatting Class, The Online (Advanced) Tatting Class, The Online Tatting Designers Class or the Online Video Series..
Watch for my next post about Finger Lakes memories!