I understand Karen Bovard is coming to our guild next year to do a weekend workshop!!

Nancy Tracy of Be-stitched (http://www.be-stitched.com) offers a free pattern each month. For the last several years, some of the month's patterns have been the rows to a beautiful doily. These are the first three rows of the Tatted 2016 Doily. I am doing it in Lizbeth, size 20, #129, Purple Splendor and #642, Lilac, med.
My aunt, an excellent knitter, has done so much over the years to encourage my tatting! I made this to go around her name plate by her apartment door in the retirement home. The edging is from Tatting with Beads by Rosemarie Peel and was done in Lizbeth, Size 20, #638 Christmas Green. It was sandwiched between two pieces of quilter's template plastic to help give it stability.
I taught my "Their Five Year Mission" pattern at guild on Saturday. I am really enjoying teaching tatting! Thank you to my students who had a lot of patience with me!
It seems like I have had a health "step back" about once a week since the first week of June. Every time that I think I am doing good, pneumonia sneaks back in to say, "HI!"--I wish it would say "Goodbye" for good!