Sun day morning, I had signed up for Ruth Perry's Tad E. Bear class. Once again, with excitement, I had my shuttles wound and was eagerly waiting for class to start.... Then, I started getting sleepy! We came close to a repeat of my previous class, except this time I was awake long enough to complete the head of my little bear. Ruth, came around individually and showed us how she pinned the celtic knot that created the head. It is amazing how just the position of the pins she used help create a perfect celtic knot! The bear's head is all I got done...I apologized then, and I'm still apologizing now--I wish I had known that I would be uncontrollably sleeping--someone else could have had my seat in the class!

After eating a wonderful lunch, prepared by Karey Solomon so as to avoid all my food triggers--I don't know how she does everything she does--she is superwoman! Thank you so much, Karey! was once again time for class.
Here is where I really need to grovel. The time for our lunch break was over, I had let time slip away from me...I needed to set
up for class and run to the restroom. There were a few (two? three?) ladies sitting in the area where I was to teach class. I don't know what I said, or how I said it--but I told them to move as I sat my things down by the corner seat. In the bathroom, it struck me that I must go back and apologize for the attitude and brusqueness with which I had -- not asked as I should have, but told them--to move. It was so rude and totally unacceptable!. I do so wish I knew who the ladies were that were sitting at the end of the table where I was to have class, they were gone when I returned. I know how just a few words from someone can ruin your day, or your event--I pray that my words did not put a damper on these ladies' experience at Finger Lakes! If you were one of these ladies, I do apologize! Please forgive me!
Once again, I got to teach my Wandering Through the Woods edging--this time I had two students. I really enjoyed teaching at Finger Lakes. It is so exciting to be able to share your knowledge and help someone else learn a technique!
All too soon, the conference was over. The vendors were packing up, and time to purchase those necessary tatting threads and tools was over. Dear, sweet friends that you look so forward to seeing in person each year, were getting in their cars and heading out away from Lodi. It was time for Sue, Cynthia and I to start tracing our route back to Oklahoma.
The highlight of the return trip was the evening at Tamie's in Kentucky. OH!! the dinner that she fixed us! She is an absolutely wonderful cook! We had wonderful meat, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, rolls (the only item on the table she didn't make from scratch)--the table was overflowing with food. She made a "Hawaiian Cole Slaw" that was just out of this world! I can't describe how tasty and delicious everything was--we just ate and ate, and ate some more!!

As it seeing Tamie isn't enough--I get to see Asia, Tamie's dog. I am a cat person who grew up with the notion that dogs belonged "outside." Asia is so very well trained and loving! Every time that I am around this little bundle of joy and energy--I come away wanting, a tiny, inside dog just like her!
Finally back to Oklahoma, late on Tuesday night! One of our very first stops on the road trip had been at the Amish Cheese House, about 35 minutes from my house. Cynthia had bought a pound of fudge there (1/4 lb. of four different kinds!)...and it had been missing the rest of the trip. Surely when we unpacked we would find it! No.... it was a mystery! A week later, when unpacking a paper box full of smaller boxes of chips and crackers--I found the missing box of fudge stuck between two identically sized boxes of butter crackers. It is in my freezer, I keep telling Cynthia that she has to come visit me, or I will eat all the fudge myself!
Thank you for joining me as I relived Finger Lakes 2016. This year was so wonderful and different. There were the super-fantastic stops at Tammi's, the joy of Sue and Cyn's company on the trip, the fact that I taught two classes (and slept through two classes!) -- I can't wait for Finger Lakes 2017--"Everything's coming up Roses!"
Personal note: The first two weeks of June were supposed to be Christian Youth in Action where I am a teacher and evaluator. My dear husband goes and works from 6a.m.-10p.m cooking for the whole group. However, on Day 6--I got pneumonia again. My oxygen level was 86 when they got me into the ER. No more CYIA for me this year, instead I spent three days in the hospital. I am not "bouncing back" very fast, but seem to be slowly and steadily recuperating.
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